Aerial Inspections
Environmental AirTechs has been in the forefront conducting various types of property damaged inspections over the last 30+ years. Roof inspections previously required setting up a ladder and mounting the roof. Mounting a roof has the potential to damage flower beds, siding, gutters, and or roof layers. In 2015 Environmental AirTechs began training to use drones to conduct roof and chimney inspections allowing the ability to capture pictures without mounting the roof as required in the past.
The winter of 2014 was an unusual year in which more ice dam claims were submitted than numerous years combined. As a result, adjusters were overwhelmed which roof and chimney inspections. Drones, or Quadcopters as they are sometimes called, make inspections far more safe and prevent damaged caused by mounting the roof. As a result, video or still pictures can be collected and yet our inspectors never need to leave the ground.
If you would like Environmental AirTechs to conduct an aerial inspection, contact the office at: 4135698890.