Welcome to Environmental AirTechs:
When hiring our consultant(s), you know know Environmental AirTechs’ consultant(s) come with a broad range of experience when it comes to indoor air quality and its relationship with the building structure. When it comes to addressing indoor air quality concerns and/or indoor air quality complaints, our consultant(s) understand the synergistic relationship between the building and the indoor air quality and that is why Environmental AirTechs is your choice. Many times IAQ complaints may unexpectedly be related to building materials, prior or existing water or fire damage, ice build-up or damming, sewage spills and leaks, soot loss (puff-backs), as well poor indoor air quality resulting from stored materials.
Environmental AirTechs has a great deal of experience when it comes to solving IAQ problems. Hiring the right consultant is extremely important. Time is a factor that must be considered when it comes to resolving IAQ complaints. An inexperienced consultant may only add to your delay of resolving the needed solution verses a consultant that is familiar with conditions similar to the exhibiting complains. The quicker the complaint is resolved, the quicker the relief is realized.
Environmental AirTechs is enjoying our ninth year in business under our new name. Our certified consultant(s) have some of the broadest experience which is unmatched in our industry. When it comes to IAQ complaints call Environmental AirTechs at 413.569.8890 or fill out the “appointment form“ .
We would like to thank WebCast2You.com for helping us reach beyond our walls and also for helping us increase our footprint in this economy. WebCast2You.com is a web-based training platform for those instructors who seek to raise the bar in this generation. Keep an eye out as Environmental AirTechs begins to incorporate these new features into its training module located here within these webpages.
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Important Message from the American Council of Accredited Certifications (ACAC)
Before you hire an IAQ Consultant or Remediation Contractor “click here“ for more information
Is the consultant your choosing possess a certificate or a professional certification. You should be aware of the “HUGE“ difference between the two? Many certificate holders, and the associations that present them, are “improperly” calling assessment based certificates (ABC’s) a professional certification – this is incorrect and many times may causes confusion upon the public if the public is unaware of the difference. “click here“ for more information
Note(s): The majority of private companies or IAQ schools offering certifications, which do not meet ANSI/NOCA 1100 (NOCA Standard 1100: “Certificate” vs. “Certification”) standards are being portrayed to the public as “professional certifications.” According to the ANSI/NOCA 1100 these certifications are no more than a “certificate of attendance” or a “certificate of training.” Be sure your consultant or remediation contractor’s certification is a “professional certification” and complies with ANSI/NOCA 11100.
*ACAC certifications comply with ANSI/NOCA 1100 requirements and are considered professional certifications;
*ACAC programs are accredited by the Council for Engineering and Scientific Specialty Boards (CESB);
*ACAC is a candidate for ANSI accreditation under ANSI/ISO/IEC 17024;
*ACAC examinations are compliant with standards published by AERA, APA and NCME;
*ACAC is a member of the National Organization for Competency Assurance (NOCA)
What is the difference between a “Certificate Of Attendance”, “Assessment Based Certificate”, and a “Professional Certification”? “click here“ for more information
Note: American Council of Accredited Certifications, formally the American Indoor Air Quality Council (AmIAQC) is “NOT” affiliated with the Indoor Air Quality Association (IAQA). ACAC is an independent third party accredited certifying body. Unlike other associations, does not have membership or membership dues.
Call Environmental AirTechs today, to help you protect your greatest investment(s) – family, property, and your work force.”